Monday, 16 July 2012

A Musical Ranting - Don't Judge A Song By Its Song Information

Everyone loves music. I don't think a lot of people would say that they dislike it as a whole, maybe the occasional grumpy old guy. But I hate listening to or reading about people who call out and spit on one type of music, claiming it "sucks" or whatever.

I'm just going to come right out and say that you CANNOT DISLIKE AN ENTIRE MUSICAL GENRE. "But country is terrible, it's all about losing your wife and your truck," some idiot probably just said. No, it's not. Country is a vast genre that actually takes aspects of all kinds of other music. There are different types of country music. You do not dislike them all. Maybe you dislike the country music that's "all about losing your wife and your truck."

The same goes with pop music, and this is going to send me onto another rant (thanks to you indie music people.) Answer this question: How can you only like indie music? Isn't it true that every band is looking to be signed so they can become popular? You cannot tell me that if your favourite unsigned band were to be signed and started getting played on the radio that you would boycott their songs.

And although I will admit that some (okay, a lot) of the music that's on the radio today is pretty much made from the same formula and the same clubs beats, but there are exceptions. I don't think its fair to assume that just because a song is popular, that it's "bad," or "stupid," or "fake," or whatever.

This goes for taking the artist into account when choosing what to listen to. Just because you maybe didn't like someone's songs before, or because you read about something stupid they did in the National Enquirer, don't assume that their songs will be terrible or refuse to listen to them. Other people worked hard to make this music too, so give it a chance.

So when it comes down to it, just like the songs you like and dislike the songs you dislike, but at least give the song a chance. Don't judge a song by its "song information." I'm sick of listening to people bashing an entire genre of music because one time they heard one crappy dubstep song and the whole genre must be just like that one. There's music out there that can hardly be placed in one genre. Honestly, there are no rules when you're making music. You don't have to stray away from hip hop if you're a rock artist, and you can add a little bit of rock to your country ( I'm terrified of the day that dubstep and country meet up, but you never know.)

To add to this I would just like to say that people on the internet can be the worst musical critics. While you're hiding behind a computer you can be as cynical as you like and no one can stop you. I would know, because I love shoving my opinion down people's throats on the internet (only in blog form, I try not to get into youtube comment arguments and stuff because I don't like being called bad names.) People will chirp any song they want with no reason. So don't go listening to what people have to say on the internet (except for me. Listen to what I tell you, all the time, definitely) just listen to the song for yourself and maybe you'll find something that you didn't even know you loved.

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