Monday, 4 June 2012

Everybody Wants To Be A Cat - Reasons I Should Get A Cat

My brothers and I are in the process of convincing our mother that we need a new cat, as our current feline is getting a bit old and a lot grouchy. So, here are the 10 best reasons I can think of for getting a cat.

1. The possibilities of hilarious shenanigans are endless. Oh look, the cat is eating the aloe vera plant. Cute! The cat just puked up aloe vera plant! And that's probably just the beginning of the craziness that a young, hip cat would bring to the house!

2. For some reason, once you've experienced cat hair in all of your food, there's just something a little off about food without cat hair. It just adds a special something, you know?

3. The ciiiiiiiircle of liiiiiiiife! Reenacting the classic Lion King moment just isn't the same if you're using a dog or a stuffed animal or someone's kid.

4. Naps with cats. That furry little body is the best for cuddling. Experience a real cat nap.

5. Cat's powerful claws provide many important services such as vermin extermination and furniture remodelling.

6. Cats very rarely sniff butts like stuuuupid dogs.

7. Remember all your unused flashlights?! Cats provide hours of flashlight fun. Just point at the floor and be entertained. (Batteries not included.)

8. You're not not gonna make your cat dance on tables and play the drums to entertain your guests. Have all the BEST parties!

9. If you're like me, you HATE all the effort it takes to unroll the toilet paper every time. Cats are the ultimate time and energy savers. They'll unravel the toilet paper for you at the low low price of a scratch between the ears and a fresh fish.

10. Cats are basically little tigers, and that's pretty cool.

And feel free to mention any other reasons you can think of. Mother needs convincing!

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