Saturday, 15 September 2012

Paranoid: Things I'm Constantly Worried Will Kill Me Part 2

5 more things that I'm always pretty concerned will end my life. It's a scary world out there!

6. Intersections/parking lots. Yes, we walk/drive through these all the time. But really, think about how much trust is actually required when you do. You have to trust that a complete stranger doesn't suddenly feel a lust for blood and run you over. That's actually a huge amount. Not to mention all the possible people falling asleep at the wheel/toddlers accidentally putting the car in drive.

7. Escalators. You accidentally trip at the last second and your head gets gobbled up. You don't step off soon enough and you're bleeding out because it ripped our leg off. Someone standing behind you suddenly decides to murder you. You fall down the up escalator and you just keep falling and falling and falling because it's always going up, you can never reach the bottom. Point made, I believe.

8. Power outlets. I pretty much have a mini panic attack every time I plug something in or unplug something. Why? Easy. So many things could go wrong. The cord could be a little cracked or broken. A whole bunch of other technical electriciany stuff could go on... You get the point. Electricity is scary and even though we use it every day, that does not mean it is your friend.

9. Wearing loose shirts to bed. This one sounds dumb, but people have been strangled by weirder things.

10. Elevators. Self-explanatory. I'm not even going to bring up the fact that you could drop to your death at any time from great heights (but you totally could.) My biggest fear here is getting stuck and slowly wasting away in a tiny box that feels like it's continually getting smaller and smaller and smaller. And you could be stuck in there with all sorts of crazies, just to make it worse.

If you haven't read Part 1 of Paranoid click here --> here.
For Part 3 click here --> here.

If you have any comments or concerns or you heard a funny joke today, feel free to leave them in the comment box below.

Also, don't be scared to share. I can almost assure you that you won't end up dead from pressing a button on the internet. Almost...

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