Friday, 14 September 2012

Top 5 Concert Fouls

Here are some common concert-going moves that I personally deem to be Concert Fouls. You've seen them all before.

5. Giant bags that take up the space of an entire person. Seriously, girls? What's in there that you need that badly? You're at a concert. You need money, ID, phone and your ticket. A small purse will work fine and you won't be that annoying jerk who turns around and knocks everyone over. Also in this category, backpacks. Why do you need a backpack? Your drugs are stored in your sock, there's no reason for the BP.

4. The Boyfriend Hugging Girlfriend From Behind Stance. No one's gonna steal her, man. She's not going to try to escape and get with someone else. You were her ride there, it's safe to assume you're her ride home. Plus after a while, she probably wants to cut your arms off and beat you over the head with them.

3. Throwing your belongings. What is wrong with you? That shoe cost you 80 bucks and you just threw it into the air. Not only is it probably going to hit someone in the face, but you lost half of a pair of shoes, and you still have to get home tonight. Okay, okay, so you're super hardcore, you don't need shoes. But you should still be considerate of the person who catches your smelly shoe or sweaty t-shirt.

2. Filming the entire concert on your cellphone. Come on. You're at the concert right now. Stop trying to get the best shot and just enjoy the real thing. You'll never watch what you recorded and even if you do, you'll only be able to hear the girl beside you, singing the wrong lyrics, all off key. And everyone behind you wants to kill you because your phone is right in their view of the cute guitar player.

1. Concert Apparel. This one needs to be broken down into sections.

a) Wearing another band's tee to the concert. No. Stop it.
b) Buying a shirt at the merch table and immediately putting it on.
c) Wearing the band's t-shirt from another concert.
d) Homemade shirt. Never make homemade shirts.

Why am I so picky about what t-shirt to wear? You're at the concert already. We know you like the band, we know you like music. You don't need to prove it by wearing the band on your shirt. It's lame, it's a big cliche, and it's my biggest concert foul.


  1. I agree wholeheartedly, especially with the filming bit but not with your point about concert merch. If you go to buy the band's tshirt you're doing them a service advertising by putting it on right away.

    And lets be serious, most musicians need all the help they can get paying for K-D.

    1. I always buy a t-shirt at concerts, I just never put it on while I'm there. I try not to wear it the very next day either. I guess I have some crazy clothing rules for myself.
